BT use 03 Numbers too

If you are planning on calling BT and using a mobile phone, it is always a good idea to try to find either an 0345 number as these do not attract any additional charge or you could search for the 03 number appropriate to your query ( usually 0330 123 4151*) as this call will be free from most contract mobiles and landlines alike

5 Responses


    Can I apply for a Hardship payment as ive got a santion on Friday. martin…

  2. Dave says:

    You misheard the “70p connection charge”. It’s currently 17p.

    If you have an inclusive allowance, you will not pay this.

    If you have an inclusive allowance only at the weekend, but make a call during the week, you will pay it.

  3. Ruth Laitnerb says:

    I rang BT this afternoon to be told I would have to pay 70 p connection charge plus 10.6 p per minute for 0345 no .Reading on line it appears that if you have any time calls it is included which I subscribe to.Please let me know where I stand .

    • admin says:

      Do you have inclusive calls in your package? is so, 0345 numbers will be included in this. So if you can call 01 or 02 numbers without any additional cost, then 0345 will be the same

  4. Fine Buliciri says:

    I have been temping for the Metropolitan Police and my role was terminated last week. Am I entitled to claim jobseekers allowance as I am out of work and currently seeking employment?
    Yours Faithfully
    Miss Fine Buliciri

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