Email Address to contact DWP
Throughout our comments sections people are asking if it is possible to contact benefit sections like jobseekers Allowance, Employment Support allowance and Income support at the DWP by email.
The answer is Yes and No…. the DWP do not offer claimants the option of corresponding by email at the moment however it is possible to send a direct email to the manager of the Benefit Centre dealing with your application.
The DWP use a standard method of assigning email addresses to staff and as such if you know the first and 2nd name of a member of staff you can send them and email directly!
Please note that they are very unlikely to respond by email due to the data protection act but if you include your telephone number or enough information about your complaint to enable them to investigate and call you back then we have found that they will.
All DWP email address end with: and start with the 1st name then a ( . ) and the surname of the officer. As an example a manager called John Smith will have the email address [email protected].
So all you have to do is look at one of the letters sent to you by either the jobcentre or benefit section dealing with your claim and find the 1st named officer to guess an email address that will get you through.
I do not know where to turn I an in receipt of ESA only I tried to committee suicide last week and whilst unconscious I was burgled and all my money withdrawn from the post office. The police are involved but I am left destitute. I do not have access to phone the DWP and am in desperate nedd of help. Please can someone advise me thankyou
Have you tried calling the crisis team in your area? They might be able to help you on what to do or where to go, since you are clearly in need of support. I have been in contact with them previously and they showed me where to apply and for what. Also if you are comfortable on the phone you could try calling citizens advice?
I hope everything works out for you though, take care
I’m due to go to hospital to have a op done in October just wandering if I be fit to do work I’m on work related group ESA or not fit for work
Depends on the opp and recovery time really.
can i get a esa form sent out in the post as i find it difficult to talk on the phone
what can i do if I dont know the name of that person with who I spoke… I have to send fit note and i dont know the email address….. Somebody can help me please?
There is no email facility usually. So you will have to post or ask someone to drop it off for you.
what is the freepost address to send forms back to kilmarnock esa
It is dependant on Post Code, however the ESA team for Scotland are based in london ( go figure!)
As a private landlord , who has a tenant on UC with 1payment received last month. Will I receive any correspondence from UC admin giving details of future payments , dates ect
No. You can enquire if the person has given their permission for you to be given details, otherwise, data protection laws restrict access to other people’s personal details.
what is bathgate benefit centers fax number please
Why do you need my ex partners signature on a budget loan form when ive been a single parent for over a year?
If you are both living at the same address the Budgeting loan team MAY have considered that you are still living together. However, the form does ask that both applicants sign the form, if you do not have a partner then simply sign your bit and send it back.
why hasnt my money gone into my bank!!!!
Remove a person that’s down on my address has c/o