0345 Costs

With average call durations to the DWP being published recently showing that callers will often be on the line for 40 minutes callers who are on the wrong tariff could end up paying as much as £18 for a call where as the same 0345 calls made from within inclusive minutes would cost £0

Understanding 0345 costs can be daunting, however we are in the process of making the whole thing a lot simpler by way of designing and easy to use app that will tell you exactly how much a call to an 0345 telephone number will cost before you make the call.
Mobile and Landline providers will treat 0345 call costs in the same way as they treat calls to numbers that start 01 or 02 in that you will not pay any additional charges to make a call to an 0345 number if you have an inclusive minutes allowance. For those of us that don’t have an inclusive minutes allowance 0345 costs can be considerable depending on the network that you are on and the length of the call.
Our plan is to develop an app that allows you to select your operator and call duration and that will tell you exactly how much the 0345 call costs- this will be a free app and will be available for use in the coming days so please share and bookmark this page for future use.
Along side telling you how much a call to 0345 costs the app will also be able to tell you how much it would have cost if you had used a bolt-on with your selected provider or if you had chosen a different tariff.
Whilst testing the 0345 costs app we have seem a marked difference between what various operators charge to make a call, with some networks charging as little as 5p per minute and others charging up to 45p per minute.
Whilst we are developing the app we would like to offer access to 5-10 beta testers who can try out the app when they have a few minutes spare to give us a little feedback on the functionality, accuracy and feel of the application. If you would be able to spare a few minutes over the next few weeks please leave a comment below and we will get in touch with you via email to give you early access to the application and for feedback.

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