KnowHow Customer Service Contact Number FREE
If you need to speak to KnowHost customer service, you can use the contact number below to contact them for free. KnowHost customer service is open every weekday from 8am to 8pm, 9am to 5pm on Saturday and 10am to 5pm on Sundays.
KnowHost team is used by Dixons Retail Plc who own Currys, PC World, Carphone Warehouse & ID Mobile.
0344 561 1234
0344 561 1234
I purchased my pc years ago, and have insurance by know how. I got a letter to say there is problem with my card.
I havnt changed my card. I just want to know this is not a scam letter.
I purchased a washing machine but cannot find my documents for it, and it needs repairing I know I renewed my warranty but have lost a lot of documents when I had my extension built how do I find out how to get a repair done