0345 Numbers Evenings and Weekends
Along with the changes to the way that 0345 Telephone Numbers are used a lot of questions have arisen, one of those being is it free to call 0345 numbers at weekends? – well in short the answer is YES, it is free ( i.e without ADDITIONAL CHARGE) to call 0345 numbers during the evening and weekend as long as you have the appropriate call package.
This could mean either having landline add-on or having an inclusive minutes allowance within your mobile phone contract that allows you to call geographical numbers without atracting any additional charges. Numbers that begin 03 are treated in the same way by landline and mobile phone opporators as they would treat any number beninning 01 or 02 and as long as you have inclusive minutes you will not be charged.
If you do not have any inclusive minutes and want to call a telephone number that begins with an 03 at the weekend or during the evening you may want to check out our mobile call charges section to see how much the call will cost.
Call Costs