Barclays Contact Number
Barclays Bank have officially adopted 0345 telephone numbers for their customer service networks. You can call Barclays for free using the number below.
Barclays Contact Number
0345 734 5345
This is great news as it means that customers who want to contact Barclays Bank to notify a change of address, complain or who need general advice won’t be charged for calls from BT Landlines and will be able to use inclusive Mobile minutes without incurring any additional costs.
Whilst the 0845 telephone numbers do remain operational, Barclays Bank have started taking steps to change all official correspondence so that they reflect the new and potentially cheaper telephone service.
Barclays Customer Service 0800 400 100
To contact Barclays Bank for all general enquiries you can call the free phone number 0800 400 100, for telephone banking you should phone 0345 734 5345.
Barclays Bank Online Login
Today with internet becoming a ever powerful place, you can also manage your Barclays Bank, savings, credit accounts online and make transfers/payments.
Barclays Bank Login:
Barclaycard Login:
Barclays Complaints
Barclays have a 24×7 phone line which you can use to make a complaint about any of the Barclays services or issues you may have in Barclays branches. To make a complaint you can call for free on 0800 282 390. Alternatively if you wish to write to Barclays Bank you may do so as well via free post:
Barclays Bank Address:
- Freepost Barclays Customer Relations
That is right, Barclays have a direct address linked in the Post Office system so you do not need to write city or post code and is completely free.
Finally, if you prefer to make a complaint in person you can also do this in a branch. You should call in or visit to book a meeting with your branch manager who will be able to initiate a official complaint even if it’s a problem you had over the phone and will try to resolve any issues you may have.
You can find your nearest Barclays branch here:
This is not an official barclays webpage. The number on here puts you through to a fraud factory in India.
Barclays Contact Number
0345 734 5345
Factually incorrect, how about you input the number to barclays own number verifier?
my premier banking is not working, cant speak to anyone
Barclays being such a huge banking corporation needs to daily perform monetary transactions and indulge in financial dealings alike other financial institutions hence it needs a strong customer service.
Hello. You’ve taken out of my Barclays account money for Vodafone I have not given permission for you to do that. Please could you put money back into my account as you’ve now made me overdrawn. Many thanks.
Dear sir madam ,
I got message about changing my home address and sending new dabit card but I haven’t change my home Anddress and I haven’t got new card.also my card expiry date is 10/2018 so I would like request to you if some one changed my address please keep same my address.thank you
Laf a min my ex wife was a bank manger taking money under the counter as norm drug dealers this way lovely girl killed are baby girl
Delete your details… silly to put them on here it’s not the bank!!!
Hi iv just trid to get cash out ov my back to time both £60 then £60 agen but only got £10 each time my name ( removed by admin ) the bank is in Falmouth centre my bank is (removed by admin) there is money in there so it in the cash Pont my phone is my bank card is (removed by admin) I’m out ov pocket by £80 can you plz halp me t
Is the 03455345 a free call from Talk-Talk ?